New Distiller in Michigan - Traverse City Whiskey Co.

Drink Michigan tipped us off to a new distilling company in Traverse City, Mich.. Their website is still in progress but they do have a facebook page. At launch it sounds like they will have at one product, a bourbon. Below is a clip from their facebook page:

Born from a Midwest climate and a carefully selected blend of corn, rye and barley, this Bourbon Whiskey is warm spirit for your Michigan days and nights. Bottled in Michigan, 4 Years Aged in New Oak Barrels, Independent and Locally Owned!

  1. Only a business office in Traverse City. Kentucky whiskey bottled by Ugly Dog Distillery in southern michigan. They do not make any whiskey and they have no distillery in TC. Causing a lot of confusion in the market place

    1. Well at lease that makes it proper bourbon. What are your thoughts on the taste?

      1. Not sure if it is Kentucky even at this point, no one at their company being honest where it is actually distilled. Smoke and mirrors…

  2. This is B.S. Was in a store yesterday and found it on shelf. Was in T.C. that last weekend doing a whiskey tour and didn’t know they existed. Tried to find address so when I return I can tour thier distillery. But to my surprise there is no location to be found!!!!!!!

    1. Sounds frustrating. From some research I’ve done, I can’t find their address yet either but it looks like they are building a tasting room and distillery for opening in Spring 2013. This begs the question, where are they making it now?

  3. Another rip off of using the Traverse City name. Reading their web site and Facebook page they want people to believe the product is made in Traverse City. This whiskey is a LDI product, bottled by another distillery in Michigan. No local grains, no production, storage or bottling in Traverse City. Just a name on a label but people are being deceived into thinking they are supporting a Michigan distillery. I am in the hotel business here in Traverse City and have guest ask for a address so they can go see the distillery. I have to tell them there is no Traverse City Whiskey Co. distillery. There is another real distillery here in town and I inform them of it. Who ever these people are they need to be honest

    1. Brian – Thanks so much for your insight. I don’t doubt that at all. There is a lot of non-disclosure when it comes to bottling. Is the other distillery the Grand Traverse? If that is the case, I do not argue with you at all. The product is superior.

  4. I picked up a bottle at my local shop and I find the whiskey to be incredible. They are opening a distillery and tasting room downtown Traverse City in Spring 2014. Looking forward to it!!

  5. From their reviews and write-ups, one is lead to believe the stuff they sell is theirs made from a secret family recipe. For all I can find the the ingredients, the recipe, the mash, the barrels, the location have all been someone else. If the bourbon was “Aged in new American oak barrels for four years of more.”, I’d like to know where. The office in Traverse City just opened up, the tasting room was built yet, but the bourbon was in storage for the past four years. Something isn’t adding up. If someone is telling tale tails what else is false, about the bourbon, the company, the people?

    1. Thx. There is always a segue when you first open up. Unless you open your offices then don’t sell product for 4 years, you would have to age off-site or enlist a partner. Have you tried and liked the product? I’m personally trying to be less skeptical of brands if I like what I am drinking. Sometimes the sausage making isn’t pretty but it’s still tasty.

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